Interesting comments from WSU’s President

He seems pretty positive while dispelling some media rumors. If anyone is connected it’s the presidents and chancellors. I would hope that we’d hear more from a few others in his position but I realize they are technically reassessing their media contract so they’ll likely play their cards closely. But this info is better than the ridiculous tweets that tell us nothing. And it also shows that the people who count are heavily involved in working on moving forward.

Guidelines for the board -- pretty straightforward

I've had a couple requests to post and pin some general guidelines for the board. I've also had a couple complaints about various posts. So here goes ...

Strong opinions are welcomed and drive entertaining dialogue, disagreement is the spirit of debate, all of that is good. Let's just be respectful and friendly through it all. There's no need to attack another poster for an opinion or make anything person. Disagree and debate it out!

I generally do not like to censor or delete posts, and I don't expect we'll ever have to do much of that here. You guys have built a really good community, and I've really enjoyed the banter and dialogue. All I ask is that nothing ever gets personal on here. No taking shots at others or over-the-line character attacks on players or coaches. Criticism is totally fine -- I think you know the difference and what I'm saying.

If a thread goes way off track to the point that it's no longer enjoyable for the majority, that would be the cause for locking it. If it's drawing complaints, I'll do what is best for the group, but again, I don't like to be overly authoritative.

If anybody has anything else they'd like me to address here, let me know! Like I said, from my vantage point, it's pretty simple and straightforward. Let's just all have a good time here.
