0:43 2nd and 5. over the middle to anderson. Goff misses high and to the inside, nearly gets anderson killed. designed to be a quick pass. anderson was open.
0:49 3rd and 5. first int to lawler. slant over the middle to lawler. obvious. perfectly thrown ball. lawler gives it to utah
1:15 1st and 10. completion on slant to lawler. goff misses high and inside again. lawler dives and gets it. great play by lawler and a bad throw by goff. goff needs to throw these passes low. if lawler doesnt make the catch, defenders in perfect position to make a play
1:28 1st and 10. handoff to muhammad off left guard. borrayo whiffs on a block. granado not too far behind almost whiffing on his.
1:59 1st and 10. attempted throw out into the left flat. tipped in goffs face. whiff by farley. borrayo and rigsbee both cut block. something seemed odd here, bad call on the protection scheme?
2:02 2nd and 10. goff second int on slant over the middle to lawler. borrayo whiffs, both granado and rigsbee bullrushed into goffs face. lawler covered but goff throws it anyway due to pressure. goff has to deliver this ball low, throws it high and inside again. defense in perfect position, makes pick.
3:31 2nd and goal. goff does great job to be patient, delivers a strike to lawler in the back of the endzone. lawler drops it again.
3:35 3rd and goal. poor play call by tony or poor call by goff. probably tony here. goff tries to hit lawler on the back shoulder throw. utah defender all over it. why come straight back to lawler after hes dropped two here?
3:49 1st and 10. goff 3rd int to either treggs or powe. either an overthrow of powe or he threw into treggs double covered. only thing i can think is that the ball sailed on him. just a wtf play
4:02 2nd and 13. utah all over screen pass. goff doesnt recognize. tipped and intercepted for 4th pick. just poorly executed all the way around moore and granado fall down on the play when they were supposed to be lead blockers.
6:08 3rd and 8. blitz coming. goff just throws a fade immediately to lawler. anderson open in the middle of the field where the blitz came from. poor read by goff. poor fade throw to lawler
6:19 1st and 10. run right off tackle with vic. vic runs straight into a wall, had cutback lane back across the middle.
7:12 1st and 10. goff tries quick play action over the middle to anderson. anderson double covered. thrown because granado whiffs on block. almost picked
7:35 3rd and 8. goff throws long up the sideline to maurice harris double covered. not even close. treggs single covered underneath at the first down marker was probably his best option there.
8:05 2nd and 5. goff misses treggs wide open down the middle of the field. expected treggs to keep running up the field and treggs turned the route inside. error on treggs, safety help was to the middle, goff put the ball right where it should have been
8:19 1st and 10. goff throws back shoulder to lawler. intercepted 5th pick. a number of things went wrong on this play. goff should have handed off to watson. Moore whiffs on his block forcing a hurried throw. lawler runs up the field and goff expected him to be there for the back shoulder. hard to tell whos that on. goff probably should have threw this ball away or ate the sack.
8:48 2nd and 5. Goff fumbles on designed rollout. stops running because linebacker comes free unblocked around the right end. no one sees it. probably on watson.
9:55 1st and 10. kanawai noa on the field on the final drive? wut?
after watching this. goff cant miss over the middle high and to the inside. these throws got to be low where only the receiver can catch it. i retract my statement to admiralbear about forcing the ball to lawler. one force was a bad call by tony i think. the other the play completely fell apart. the force was wrong only because the ball should have been thrown away, but i think a number of things went wrong on the play. a number of poor reads by goff, a bad day by our wr's, our o-line whiffing. just a lot of things to clean up by ucla. just insane how many whiffs by the interior of our line. play calling by tony was maybe suspect. the plays that were working most often were the tunnel screens to the WR's and throws to our backs with anderson every so often going across the middle. seemed like utah wanted goff to throw the intermediate and long routes and he sure did. lot of blame to go around. not just one guy here. everyones got to do a better job
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