Talked to the Stellar Prep (Hayward) OLB today. He's definitely a coach's son and kept things close to the vest and is pretty level-headed. Not a ton of insight from the conversation, but here's what's worth knowing:
- He had a great time, specifically citing a conversation with Sonny and also a meeting with Kaufman as big highlights
- He's been to Cal a bunch of times for games, but this was his first opportunity to check out the facilities and get more of the red carpet type treatment. He liked it quite a bit.
- He's being looked at as a OLB by all programs, be it a 3-4 or 4-3 defense.
- Very much a "do whatever I have to to help my team" type of guy.
- He's planning to take some trips later this spring on the recruiting front, but is mostly taking things in stride and focusing on his upcoming season. Sounds to me like he'll keep recruiting kind of on the back-burner till after next season.
- Listed criteria for choosing his future school as "good education, comfort with coaching staff and opportunity to contribute early."
- Both Dykes and Kaufman were really pitching the direction of the program and how Gumbs can help them.