Between the refs and our inability to cover York three times in a row then the entire world knew he was getting the ball - the pain runs deep here.
Officials were AWFUL but it ran both ways. Great coaching by Miller - He scouted Brown and Wallace perfectly and got his guys to be in position to drew offensive fouls. Wallace had a decent look to end the game but he was off all night. Rabb has to sell out and take away the three there at the end. If York passes to Ristic then worst case we have a tie game.
Officials were AWFUL but it ran both ways. Great coaching by Miller - He scouted Brown and Wallace perfectly and got his guys to be in position to drew offensive fouls. Wallace had a decent look to end the game but he was off all night. Rabb has to sell out and take away the three there at the end. If York passes to Ristic then worst case we have a tie game.